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Ethereum censorship is made worse by staking on top exchanges.

Ethereum censorship is made worse by staking on top exchanges.
Ethereum censorship is made worse by staking on top exchanges.

The use of censoring MEV relays by crypto ecosystems and exchanges is one of the biggest things that hurts the credibility of Ethereum's neutrality.

Most crypto ecosystems can't reach as many people around the world if they follow federal sanctions. But when it comes to Ethereum, investors have a lot of power over how much the ecosystem follows the rules.

Office of Foreign Assets Control sanctions are followed by almost 60% of all Ethereum blocks after the Merge (OFAC). Even though the crypto community is against this change, many people don't realize how they are helping Ethereum reach full OFAC compliance.

The use of censoring Miner extractable value (MEV) relays by crypto ecosystems and exchanges is one of the biggest things that hurts the neutrality of Ethereum. MEV relays are used by big crypto players like Binance, Celsius Network, Coinbase, Kraken, and Cream Finance, to name a few. They act as a go-between for block producers and block builders. Users who stake Etheron platforms (as shown above) that run censoring MEV relays on their validators are directly contributing to the censorship of Ethereum. By using a MEV-boost relay that can't be blocked, crypto platforms can help fix the problem.


Some popular MEV-boost relays that don't promote censorship and are used by validators and relay operators are Ultra Sound Money, Agnostic Boost, Aestus, BloXroute Max Profit, BloxRoute Ethical, Manifold, and Relayooor.

At the time this was written, 67 of the last 100 blocks of Ethereum were found to be in compliance with OFAC.

As investors, it's important to know that protocol-level censorship hurts the goal of crypto, which is to make finance more open and accessible to everyone. Because of this, it's important for both investors and service providers to choose MEV-boost relays that don't censor. Recently, two addresses that had been dormant for four years came back to life and moved 22,982 ETH.

The ETH transfers in question can be traced back to Genesis and Poloniex, where 13,103.99 ETH and 9,878 ETH were sent by unknown whales.

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